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About us - Freerange Eggs
Anne and Phil Westwood run the Freeranger Eggs farm as a fully sustainable farming enterprise. There is no need for our hens to be locked up because they are always protected from predators by...
Traditional Free Range Farming - Freerange Eggs
Freeranger Eggs was set up as a sustainable farm to demonstrate that a commercial farming business can work without compromising the environmental and ecological values of the land as well...
Our Production Process - Freerange Eggs
At Freeranger Eggs, we operate as a traditional mixed farm with sheep and cattle as well as our free range hens. Our chickens are kept in small flocks of 200 – 400 birds with separate...
The sustainability of egg production - Freerange Eggs
Egg production has increased in recent decades, and has reached a n annual volume of more than 68 million tons worldwide. The main reason s are that chicken egg s are a valuable source of protein...
Equilibrium Farming - Freerange Eggs
The Freeranger Farm has a totally sustainable approach to the way we operate and we often refer to it as Equilibrium Farming. Over millions of years a wide variety of life forms and processes...
Sustainable Farming - Freerange Eggs
Long term farm sustainability and economic production can only be maintained if farms reflect natural ecosystems. The concept of regenerative agriculture is alien to many, but in Australia,...