Raspberry PI
Raspberry PI
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Raspbian, one of the OS’es especially optimized for Raspberry Pi boards (Pi) has the most recommendations and support from the RPi community, while providing rich functi...
Bare Metal STM32 Programming – LED Blink
For now it is just an infinite loop that does nothing.
C run-time assembly file
.cpu cortex-m3
// end of 20K RAM
.word 0x20005000
.word _reset
bl main
b .
Setting-up cross compiler and build tools for STM32
cd ~myusername/Downloads
tar -xjf gcc-arm-none-eabi-9-2019-q4-major-x86_64-linux.tar.bz2
Use z instead of j, if the ending of the file name is .gz.
Now, we create the /opt directory if it does not ex...
Installation Guide for Raspbian
How to put Raspbian on the SD card?
Assuming we use Windows as the operating system, after downloading the Raspbian image and extracting it from the archive with 7zip, use the Win32 Disk Imager to wri...
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This small sketch demonstrates the four bit division operation on Zybo FPGA board. Zybo is a small and cheap board from Digilent, equipped with powerful Xilinx’s Zynq chip. This sket...
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This project allows to detect a shoot-through condition on digital drivers. The FPGA board used is Mimas A7 Mini from Numato Lab, the code is written in Verilog and IDE is V...