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FS Team | Frank Silvestrin
Who we are Training, motivating, and improving athletes’ performance is what we most enjoy doing. Therefore, we know how to do this with consistency, planning, and structure, both online and offline, ...
Equipe_en | FS Team
Team Since the 1990s, Frank Silvestrin has dedicated himself to triathlon, initially as an athlete by running all distances and competing for national and international circuits. Since 2006, alongside...
FSExperience_en | FS Team
FS Experience Frank Silvestrin guides and supervises our coaches to meet our athletes’ different needs and expectations. From the beginner in practice to the most experienced in races, we will work on...
Equipe | FS Team
Equipe Desde os anos 1990, Frank Silvestrin se dedica ao triathlon, inicialmente como atleta, tendo passado por todas as distâncias e correndo os circuitos nacionais e internacionais. Desde 2006, para...
- Equipe/FSExperience | FS Team
Planos_en | FS Team
R$ 1.410,00 (4x R$ 352,50) Annual R$ 210,00 monthly R$ 2.520,00 (8x R$ 315,00)