Fornetti is a bakery company, who sells its frozen and prebaked products.
Pentru informatii privind
franciza Fornetti, sugestii sau reclamații, puteți să ne sunați la numărul de telefon 0720 555600, sau sa ne trimiteti un email la franciza@fornetti.ro
Pentru informatii pri...
An special pentru Fornetti care aniversează 20 de ani pe piața din România, ocazie marcată de o campanie de marketing și ambalaje aniversare speciale
- Inaugurarea punctului de lucru cu numă...
Quality is not only the objective, but also the most important of all means.
Every day we mould our love towards the profession and our fellow human beings via our products.
He was born on 8
th October, 1970. He is married with two daughters. Having completed his studies at a bilingual course of a secondary school, he graduated from the College for Commerce and Catering. ...
Be our franchise partner!
The target of any business is achieving the profit with minimum risks. Fornetti franchise system allows you to extend the offer of the existing shop with a minimum investment...