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Fluorsid - Leader in fluorine transformation
Leader in fluorine transformation
People - Fluorsid
People Home THE BOARD Tommaso E. Giulini Chairman Tommaso got a degree in Business Economics at the Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi of Milan in 2001. He took over the control of Fluorsid in 2005 ...
Who we are - Fluorsid
About Home WHO WE ARE FLUORSID was founded in 1969 in Sardinia and through its plants and offices located between Italy and Norway, covers the entire fluorine value chain. The management of all phases...
Lausanne, Switzerland - Fluorsid
Lausanne Switzerland Home FLUORSID MIMETA Offices in Zurich and Lausanne are the headquarters of Fluorsid Mimeta, which holds the group's trading activities. They provide a complete and integrated ser...
Contacts - Fluorsid
Contacts Home LOCATIONS Headquarters Milan, Italy Via Flavio Vegezio, 1220149 Milan (MI) E-mail: Pec: Tel: +39 02 481 3399 Chemical...
What we do - Fluorsid
What We Do Adopting OUR CORE VALUES and ethical business approach, we are committed to ensure efficiency, seizing global market opportunities. At every level. Home Leading the market FLUORSID was foun...