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The First Five Years
The First Five Years From birth to age 5, a child’s brain develops more, and more rapidly, than at any other time in life. And while genetics plays a significant role, scientific research has made c...
Brain Development
Brain Development Page Content Early childhood is when the brain develops faster than at any other time in life. And how a young child’s brain develops impacts their future abilities to learn and suc...
Ages & Stages
Ages & Stages While all children develop differently, it helps to know if they are meeting typical milestones and how you can support their healthy development and learning. Your Child @ Belo...
Early Literacy
Early Literacy Reading is vital to a child's ability to learn and be successful in school. And the skills needed to be a good reader - like language and vocabulary - start developing f...
For Parents & Families
For Parents & Families There’s no one “right” way to raise a child, and sometimes parenting a baby, toddler or preschooler can be a challenge. You don’t need to be perfect. To help you d...
Data Tools
Data Tools First Things First Data Center provides aggregate data related to First Things First’s investments and strategies across Arizona and for each of the 28 FTF regions, as available, as well ...