Child safety
MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
Secure connection support
HTTP has not yet implemented SSL encryption.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
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About Federico Slivka Lederer - UX + Ui Consultant + Practitioner
About Me I am an award-winning product designer with more than 14 years of international experience. What sets me apart is my commitment to all aspects of design: from the initial stages of the develo...
Phd + Teaching - Portfolio by Federico Slivka Lederer - UX + Ui Consultant + Practitioner
Allowing those who are developing their ideas analogically, to start thinking digitally. The goal is to develop products that will focus on offering a satisfactory user experience.
Editorial Deign: Case Study - Portfolio by Federico Slivka Lederer - UX + Ui Consultant
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Cisco: Case Study - Portfolio by Federico Slivka Lederer - UX + Ui Consultant + Practitioner
Huge company + variety of products + massive audience = attention to details I was a consultant working alongside the UX team in order to design applications intended for multiple platforms and suppor...
Logos + Brands - Portfolio by Federico Slivka Lederer - UX + Ui Consultant + Practitioner
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Methodology + Process - Portfolio by Federico Slivka Lederer - UX + Ui Consultant + Practitioner
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