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Adult - Faith Lutheran Church
Sundays, between services, from 9:45-10:45 AM Sign up for Faith's weekly email for latest speakers and topics!
Staff - Faith Lutheran Church
Pastor Shelly loves ministry to God's people in the church. One of her favorite verses in Scripture is from Psalm 122, “ I was glad when they said to me, ‘Let us go to the house of the Lord...
Mission and Vision - Faith Lutheran Church
The mission of the people of Faith Lutheran Church is to be stewards of God's abundance by living in relationship with God through Christ and with each other, extending ourselves and our blessings to....
Past Prayers - Faith Lutheran Church
Pray Together each day of Advent with this daily devotional written by and for members of our congregation! clicking this button will open a new window with last year's booklet.
General Information - Faith Lutheran Church
Have a question for your Church Council? The Council general email address is available on the website Council page at Approved Council Minutes: Minutes...
Council - Faith Lutheran Church
President: Jim Hall Secretary: Gary Nelson Treasurer: Tim Hohulin Communication: Beth Sells Faith Formation: Joe & Kelly Parratore (co-chairs) Rainbow Liaison: Retta Hennessy Property: Mark Pedersen