Recipe Index | fairyburger
An index for all my recipes, broken down by category, dietary restriction, and contraption used (aka fairyburger's recipe index)!
Main Dishes | fairyburger
Got a dinner or a potluck to prepare food for? There are a ton of different ideas for main dishes here! :] There's likely to be something for everyone here!
Poultry | fairyburger
Chicken is probably my most-consumed meat-based protein, with turkey (or fish) being a very close second. Be sure to try out these poultry recipes!
United States | fairyburger
If you're looking for travel inspiration within the United States (particularly of the hiking/outdoors variety), check out these posts!
Seriously Good Freezer Meals | fairyburger
I don't have much free time as a resident, and what extra time I do have outside of residency and residency-related things, I like to spend pursuing my 2329384 hobbies, which doesn't leave much time f...
the latest | fairyburger
My newest nickname is the "Asian shrimp." More often just shortened to "shrimp." It was also, in essence, self-imposed, because we were talking about games we used to play during recess. I happened to...