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Faculty of Language
Faculty of Language “"),d=d.substring(0,o_rc);var w=d.lastIndexOf(" ");d=d.substring(0,w),document.write(d+"…”"),document.write("")}}} I recently ran across a nice paper on the logic of adaptive st...
Faculty of Language: The neural autonomy of syntax
Nothing does language like humans do language. This is not a hypothesis. It is a simple fact. Nonetheless, it is often either questioned ...
Faculty of Language: Minimalist Grammars: The Very Basics
Oh boy, it's been a while... where did we leave off? Right, I got my panties in a twist over the fact that a lot of computational work does...
Faculty of Language: The future of linguistics; two views
Addendum: I would like to apologize for systematically mis-spelling Peter Hagoort's name. Before I revised the post below, I called him 'Ha...
Faculty of Language: Linguistic creativity 1
Once again, this post got away from me, so I am dividing it into two parts. As I mentioned in a recent previous post, I have just finis...
Faculty of Language: September 2018
How often do we test our theories and basic concepts in linguistics? I don’t know for sure, but my hunch is that it is not that often. Let me explain. One of the big ideas in the empirical sciences i...