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ExcaVision manuals
Why ExcaVision? | excavision2
Why ExcaVision?
ExcaVision is the most versatile system on the market, offering affordable yet effective grade monitoring for excavators, bulldozers, motor graders, skid steers, breakers and drill/aug...
Advantages of using ExcaVision | excavision2
Advantages of using ExcaVision
With ExcaVision on board your excavator or dozer you save time, labor, and maintenance costs by monitoring the depth of excavation from the comfort of your cab. Never ag...
Choose the system that fits your needs | excavision2
Choose the system that fits your needs
The most popular system is ExcaVision with three sensors (for boom, stick, and bucket). Add the "Ocalaser" automatic laser receiver that mounts on the dipper sti...
Grade control system | excavision2
Grade Control Systems
ExcaVision works on excavators, backhoes, bulldozers, scrapers, and drills.
ExcaVision has wireless sensors, is easy to install, and even easier to use. Move between your machi...
NEWS | excavision2
Ocalink gets its supply from excavator‘s power
Many users have complained that the batteries on the Ocalalaser don‘t last long. So now we can upgrade your Ocalink (the transmitter box on the Ocalaser)...