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Examining the World Mission Society Church of God
Examining The World Mission Society Church of God Loading ... Load More Posts About Us Our mission is to educate the public about the dangers of membership in the World Mission Society Church o...
Examining the World Mission Society Church of God – Former Member Testimony
I was there for only a few months. I joined after I found out I was pregnant and my family didnt agree with my choice to parent and kicked me to the curb so to speak, and the people from the World Mis...
The 7 Thunders Secret - The Two Stone Tablets - Examining the World Mission Society Church of God
In defending their claims that Ahnsahnghong is divine, members of the World Mission Society Church of God have argued (as noted on numerous sites such as
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Examining the World Mission Society Church of God – Ahnsahnghong Vs Scripture
Heb 9:12 speaks about the first time God entered the most holy place (to pour out the Holy Spirit on the apostles) He has to do it again according to the prophecy of the feasts. Moses receiving the te...
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This article is dedicated to my friends who were taught by the WMSCOG that Ahn Sahng-Hong did not have any children… only to find out later that he did. I have friends who were in the World M...