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2023 Main tournaments – EuroQuest
There are just a few simple rules regarding the main event tournament formats at EuroQuest. Each event will have one to four preliminary rounds. All heats played in an event will count. Only the two b...
Schedule – EuroQuest
2023 Schedule The 2023 schedule will be released soon. Although the Main Tournament times will be final, additional events and demos will continue to be added up until the start of the convention. Be ...
Register Now – EuroQuest
Walk-in rates will be $75 for all four days ($60 for GCOM Supporting Members). Accommodations for COVID 19 No COVID restrictions are currently planned. Attendees may wear masks if desired, and masks w...
Convention Director’s Blog – EuroQuest
Convention Director’s Blog This blog is being initiated as a new feature at the EQ website in order to better communicate with EuroQuest attendees. Posts by your 2022 EuroQuest Convention Director, J...
EuroQuest Presents! – EuroQuest
EuroQuest Presents! This “EuroQuest Presents” category of pages focus on all the non-tournament events and activities at EuroQuest. Under this umbrella, we will be bringing you a wide variety of event...
Terraforming Mars – EuroQuest
BANNED CORPORATIONS . DO NOT PLAY WITH MANUTECH, VITOR, POINT LUNA OR POSEIDON. When playing with expansions, shuffle the expansion corporations together and deal 2 expansion corporations and 2 base g...