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Connecting the Natural and Social Sciences at Emory University
eScienceCommons: Study shows adaptive brain response to stress, and its absence in people with
"Learning more about how acute stress and chronic stress affect the brain may help in the development of treatment targets for depression," ...
eScienceCommons: Experiments reveal why human-like robots elicit uncanny feelings
"At the core of this research is what we perceive when we look at a face," says Emory psychologist Philippe Rochat, senior author of the stu...
eScienceCommons: Physicists develop theoretical model for neural activity of mouse brain
"One of the wonderful things about our model is that it's simple," says Mia Morrell, who did the research as an Emory senior majoring in phy...
eScienceCommons: Major review of plants' role in antibacterial activity clears new paths for drug
"If ever there was a time to cultivate our knowledge and tap into the chemical power of plants, this is it," says ethnobotanist Cassandra Qu...
eScienceCommons: New method calculates equilibrium constant at the small scale
Mixing computational chemistry and theoretical math proved a winning formula for Emory chemist James Kindt (center), his graduate students...