Erin Manning
Erin Manning is a PHD professor of philosophy and cinema at Concordia
University, Montreal, as well as an artist, dancer and research-creation
Books — Erin Manning
Always More Than One, the philosopher, visual artist, and dancer Erin Manning explores the concept of the "more-than human" in the context of movement, perception, and experience. Working from Whi...
Dance — Erin Manning
Excerpt from the First Chapter of Relationscapes, by Erin Manning (MIT Press)
There are always at least two bodies. These two stand close, facing one another, reaching toward an embrace that will sig...
Thought in the Act — Erin Manning
Ed. Erin Manning and Brian Massumi (Duke University Press)
Thought in the Act: where the speculative meets the pragmatic; where thought is on the move, and the movement is thinking on the run; where t...
ProTactile — Erin Manning
Vladimir Nabokov wrote standing up, scribbling on index cards while snacking on molasses. Lucille Clifton said that she wrote suc...
Tufting — Erin Manning
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