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Employment – Kerala
ദൗത്യം ജോലിയിലൂടെയോ സ്വയം തൊഴിൽ പദ്ധതിയിലൂടെയോ വരുമാനം ലഭിക്കുന്ന ഒരു തൊഴിൽ കേരളത്തിലെ എല്ലാ ഉദ്യോഗാർത്ഥികൾക്കും ലഭ്യമാക്കുക, തൊഴിൽ/വിദ്യാഭ്യാസ മാർഗ്ഗ നിർദ്ദേശങ്ങൾ ആവശ്യമുള്ളവർക്ക് അവ നൽകുക എന്നീ പ്രവ...
Registration Renewal – Employment
Registration Renewal Employment Department is in the process of transforming conventional Employment Exchanges to e-Employment Exchanges and a major milestone achieved in this process is the developme...
Career Development Centre – Employment
CAREER DEVELOPMENT CENTRES (CDC) Career Development Centre (CDC) is a new initiative of Employment Department, envisaged as a destination where individuals can obtain authentic solutions for all kind ...
Self Employment Schemes – Employment
Self Employment Schemes In the present day scenario, placements in the Government sector is decreasing. Self-Employment promotion is the need of the hour. Necessary information is given to entrepreneu...
Unemployment Allowance Scheme – Employment
Scheme The scheme for providing dole at the rate of Rs. 120/- per month to the unemployed who are registered in the Employment Exchange in Kerala is called the Unemployment Allowance Scheme. The unem...
About Us – Employment
Who We Are Employment Department is a State Government Department under the Ministry of Labour and Rehabilitation, Government of Kerala. It is one of the world’s largest manpower database managers. Th...