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Avaleht | Elering
Elering - the backbone of the Estonian energy system Elering is an independent electricity and gas transmission system operator with the primary task of ensuring a high-quality energy supply to Eston...
About the company | Elering
Elering`s operations are regulated by Electricity Market Act and Natural Gas Act. Elering was founded on 27th January 2010 when unbundling from Eesti Energia AS was executed. Gas transmission network ...
Electricity system | Elering
The Estonian electricity system is part of the large synchronous operational united system BRELL, which comprises the AC power lines that connect Estonia with the neighbouring countries of Latvia and ...
Contacts | Elering
Rein Vaks Kaie Karniol Janek Stalmeister Supervisory Board Rein Vaks Kaie Karniol Janek Stalmeister Subscribe to the presslist
Short overview of Elering | Elering
Elering is an electricity and gas transmission system operator with the task of connecting the producers, various network operators and consumers who make up the system into a unified whole. An operat...
Investors | Elering
Elering is dedicated to complying with corporate governance best practices and to continuous improvement in that area. We consider this as a prerequisite for achieving our strategic objectives and d...