andrea kao 高沁蘭
andrea kao 高沁蘭
The missing package manager for OS X
So far, most of 2016 has been consumed with learning about what makes Homebrew tick and making some contributions in the process. Below (in reverse ...
andrea kao 高沁蘭
andrea kao 高沁蘭
I’m a California native, Los Angeles homeowner, plant lover, map lover, audiophile, and wordy person. I’m also a new Homebrew contributor by way of Outreachy; posts related to Outreachy...
andrea kao 高沁蘭
andrea kao 高沁蘭
This post was meant to be a digestible e-mail to my significant other. I hadn’t (and still haven’t) managed to give a good verbal explanation of what Homebrew does. I
had bookmarked a ...
andrea kao 高沁蘭
andrea kao 高沁蘭
My friend Stephen’s photo of a beer that we shared, one that was gifted by another friend, Etay
There are a number of websites that allow you to search for Homebrew packages...
andrea kao 高沁蘭
andrea kao 高沁蘭
I’m finally revisiting, reviewing, and taking notes from this
An Overview
request-response protocol, wherein the client (often, but not always, a web browser) sends a
request to a ser...
andrea kao 高沁蘭
andrea kao 高沁蘭
many ways to log your homebrewing adventures, such as this page, from which the photo is taken.
Picking up where I left off (
way back in this post)… here’s a discussion of the test cov...