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Publications – Eelco Harteveld
Lars Erik Berntzen, Haylee Kelsall & Eelco Harteveld (2023). Consequences of Affective Polarization: Avoidance, Intolerance and Support for Violence in the UK & Norway. Accepted for publication at E...
Projects – Eelco Harteveld
My two current main research projects are the following. Subnational context and radical right support in Europe (in collaboration with Wouter van der Brug, Sarah de Lange, and Tom van der Meer; fund...
Affective polarization – Eelco Harteveld
Electoral Studies, 71.
Teaching – Eelco Harteveld
Lecturer and thesis supervisor, Causes and consequences of political distrust] , BA Political Science (3rd year) A global crisis of democracies? MA Political Science Introductie tot Politicologisch ...
- Contact – Eelco Harteveld
Call for papers – Eelco Harteveld
Can democracies cope with antipathy and negative emotions among citizens? Might it even play a constructive role? Within comparative politics, it is conventional wisdom that while ideological polariza...