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Edd Scorpio :: Photographer
Exclusive canvas prints - free shipping CA/US/MX (prices in USD) Whatever you’re trying to capture & convey, I'll do my best to create that image!Art, Real Estate, Food, Product Shots, Editorial, Comm...
About – Edd Scorpio :: Photographer
Photographs capture a moment in time - or can take us back in time. They make us stand in awe of nature, marvel at an artisan's creation, share the depth of feeling in a moment...or simply smile at a ...
People – Edd Scorpio :: Photographer
Portraits or "Lifestyle" are terms often used for photographs of People, but they are limiting in what they might convey. Life, emotion, excitement, mystery - all happen in an instant - and are best p...
Galleries – Edd Scorpio :: Photographer
Services – Edd Scorpio :: Photographer
If you look through the site, you may notice we don't exactly shoot typical photographs...but then you're not typical either, are you? Real Estate, Food, Fashion, Lifestyle, Portrait, Event...or somet...
Nature – Edd Scorpio :: Photographer
Whether for artistic, educational, scientific or other reasons, I've developed a skill for taking great photos of the natural world; even in some slightly less than natural environments. These photos ...