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Popular pages
Eighteenth-Century Ireland Society
Eighteenth-Century Ireland Society The ECIS has approximately 200 individual members across the island of Ireland and overseas. Membership of the society is open to all. Privacy & Cookies Policy Priv...
Journal – Eighteenth-Century Ireland Society
On this page, you will find information about the internationally peer-reviewed journal of the Society, Eighteenth-Century Ireland / Iris an dá chultúr.
Membership – Eighteenth-Century Ireland Society
Membership of the Eighteenth-Century Ireland Society is open to all and costs €35 each year, €20 for students/unwaged and €45 each year for libraries and institutions. The internationally peer-revi…
Annual Conference – Eighteenth-Century Ireland Society
Find out about the forthcoming Annual Conference of the Eighteenth-Century Ireland Society.
Blog – Eighteenth-Century Ireland Society
The American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies will hold its annual meeting in Pittsburgh, PA on 31 March to 3 April 2016. The Irish Caucus is given two panels at the annual ASECS meeting. Pleas...
Mapping the Eighteenth-Century Irish State – Eighteenth-Century Ireland Society
A post I put up a couple of weeks ago about John Rocque’s 1757 Survey of Dublin turned out to be quite popular, leading me to come to the conclusion that ECIS blog readers really like maps! A…