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Eat Halal Helping you adopt a healthier halal lifestyle
Eat Halal healthy lifestyle daily halal consumer news, halal market news, updates, commentary and analysis of global Halal markets and halal industries
Halal (حلال) foods are foods that Muslims are allowed to eat or drink
Halal foods are foods that Muslims are allowed to eat or drink under Islamic Shariʻah. The criteria specify both what foods are allowed, and how the food...
About Eat Halal, Striving to facilitate the Halal lifestyle through informed choices
Eat Halal is a consumer-centric news portal, providing updates, trends and analysis within the spher...
What is Halal definition & meaning, foods, drinks, meat slaughter
Halal (حلال) is an Arabic word which in terms of food/drink means that the food/drink is lawful, allowed, permissible or acceptable for Muslims to eat.
Doubtful Ingredients to avoid whilst doing your halal shopping
The following ingredients should be avoided by all Muslims and care should be exercised whist doing your shopping. When in doubt leave out.
A brief definition of halal and haram and zibah/dabh
The word ‘halal’ literally means permissible- and in translation it is usually used as lawful. The a...