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Sinusitis | Dr. Ornouma
Sinus Infection Overview Sinus infection, or sinusitis, is an inflammation of the sinuses and nasal passages. A sinus infection can cause a headache or pressure in the eyes, nose, cheek area, or on on...
Testimonials | Dr. Ornouma
Testimonials Dr. Ornouma Sriwanishvipat was unbelievably a great doctor. She was everything I hoped for and more! I will recommend her to anyone that needs any similar work done. After having surgery,...
Laryngoscopy | Dr. Ornouma
Direct fiber-optic (flexible or rigid) laryngoscopy Direct laryngoscopy lets your doctor see deeper into your throat. The scope is either flexible or rigid. Flexible scopes show the throat better and ...
About Us | Dr. Ornouma
International Conference on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Shanghai, China, 2008 Asian Research in Rhinology, Thailand, 2008 Vocal Fold Augmentation by Medialization Thyroplasty and Arytenoid Adducti...
Voice Change Surgery | Dr. Ornouma
Hoarseness of Voice May result from overuse or misuse of the voice, infection of the vocal cords, or any accident resulting to the malfunction of the vocal cords and larynx. Thus, a thorough examinati...