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Doors of Perception: The Security in the Scenery
Salomon van Ruysdael's piece “River Landscape with Fishermen” simply shows what the title implies—a scene of men fishing on a river. A shor...
Doors of Perception: How to Modify Your Work Ethic
In the article “Increasing the On-Task Homework Behavior of Youth With Behavior Disorders Using Functional Behavioral Assessment”, researche...
Doors of Perception: Going Great with Grey
Alex Grey's artwork diverges greatly from the normal contemporary art realm. Grey combines factual anatomy and his own portrayal of the hum...
Doors of Perception: April 2010
Rain is literally the method that life today uses to maintain itself; rain supplies life with water and cleanses the earth. This is scientific fact, an observable phenomenon that is proven through ob...
Doors of Perception: Border between Mexico and the USA
Frida Kahlo's "Self-portrait on the Border between Mexico and the United States" sets an interpretation of the stark contrast between the tw...
Doors of Perception: Don't Hate, Evaluate
Alex Grey’s collection “Sacred Mirrors” is a well-admired piece among contemporary artists and art critics. His work has illustrated and cr...