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Home - Dog License
Welcome to Dog Licenses – Tokens – Collars CONTACT US Diane Bandy, former board member of NTCA, Washington Area Humane Society, former President of Past Finders Metal Detecting Club and...
Articles - Dog License
Articles Dog Licenses – Articles Has this website sparked a new interest or hobby for you? Would you care to donate to the costs of web maintenance, hosting and URL fees, time spent on research, scans...
Gallery - Dog License
Antique Dog Licenses Dog Licenses – Tokens – Collars Antique Dog Licenses Has this website sparked a new interest or hobby for you? Would you care to donate to the costs of web maintenance, hosting an...
Dog Bytes Hot Dog Topics - Dog License
Dog Bytes Dog Licenses – Hot Dog Topics Has this website sparked a new interest or hobby for you? Would you care to donate to the costs of web maintenance, hosting and URL fees, time spent on research...
Very Rare Pre 1900 Dog License tax tags - Dog License
St. Paul MN, fancy dog head design Lisbon, ND Metal detected brass dog licenses
Pre 1900 dog licenses. - Dog License
Metal detecting dog tax tags, treasure seekers unleash artifacts, old antique dog license tags dug out of the earth I buy all pre 1900 tags that I need for my collection and some early 1900s ones also