Child safety
MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
Secure connection support
HTTPS provides SSL-encrypted connection.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
Popular pages
Tutorials Here are some tutorials in written form which is usually more handy for experts than watching videos. Please note that all of the linked tutorials are not written by GSA itself. Though we ...
Tutorials * How to Filter/Stay out of Trouble * Abuse and Complainer Blacklist * Ideas on successful actions * Is it worth spinning the message? * Why you should use proxies? * How to avo...
Manual Submission
Manual Submission A manual submission is almost the same as when you load the site in your browser and fill the fields. Well almost, as our program will fill the fields for you whenever it is possi...
Project Settings
Project Settings As soon as you create a new project, you are asked to define the project settings. You can always change them when the project is not active (not scraping, not checking or sending me...
Proxy Setup
Proxy Setup It is recommended to use proxies at least for sending messages. The setup for proxies is really easy as seen below. Edit a project and you see three different sections where you can use ...
Manual Article Creation
Manual Article Creation Writing your own articles was never been easier as with the internal Editor. [Self-Writing Articles] Beside the normal input's for the title and article body, you will see t...