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Popular pages
Redesigning - Doc Pop's Blog
I’ve been running this WordPress blog for about 15 years and have gone through 4 major versions of site so far. I’ve documented those previous versions of the site and will share them in an...
About - Doc Pop's Blog
Work Links (covering WordPress for Bio Hi, I’m Doctor Popular! I’m a yo-yoer, artist, game designer, musician, and WordPresser. I live in San Francisco’s Mission District. I got the yo-y...
Gate, a fantastic solo-game by Jason Glover - Doc Pop's Blog
I’m always on the hunt for good single player games, so I’m surprised it took me so long to find the work of Jason Glover (aka Grey Gnome Games). Jason has designed quite a few solo-games, many of whi...
Creating Generative AI Art Within WordPress - Doc Pop's Blog
Imajinn is a new WordPress plugin that brings the power of AI text-to-image generation directly to your dashboard.
Doc Pop's One-Dimensional Chess - Doc Pop's Blog
Doc Pop's One-Dimensional Chess is a new chess variant that you can download and play for free.
Popular Projects - Doc Pop's Blog
SpiderThe 1st single off of Beeps and Smudges. Part music video, part art show. Juggalo Science FairAn article I wrote for LS that got reblogged like a jillion times. Also, I helped with the event a l...