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PC based lighting control
PC based lighting control This is a short pointer to some of the available PC based lighting console systems. Most of the software products have a trial available, so I recommend you download several...
DMX512 Control Protocol Information - Connectors and Cables
The XLR5 physical pinout is very different to a 5 pin DIN! The body of the connectors is not connected to the screen. This is very important. If they were, and if you were to pickup two DMX ...
DMX512 Protocol Standard
DMX512 - The Standard The original Standard was originally developed and published by USITT in 1990. The Standard is now an ESTA publication, and goes under the title of Entertainment Technology - US...
DMX512 Termination
DMX512 Termination We agree. Yet the termination for most DMX512 systems is not designed into the rig, but just "happens". We aim to debunk the mystique of termination, and give simple guidelines on...