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Articles | Disaster and Military Medicine
Disaster and Military Medicine will cease to be published by BioMed Central as of June 2019. BioMed Central will continue to host an archive of all articles ...
Mental health and psychological impacts from the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster: a
On March 11, 2011, Japan experienced an unprecedented combination of earthquake/tsunami/nuclear accidents (the Great East Japan Earthquake; GEJE). We sought to identify mental health and psychosocial ...
Case study of medical evacuation before and after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident
In Japan, participants in the disaster-specific medical transportation system have received ongoing training since 2002, incorporating lessons learned from the Great Hanshin Earthquake. The Great East...
Allocating scarce medical resources during armed conflict: ethical issues | Disaster and Military
We describe ethical issues arising in the allocation of civilian medical resources during armed conflict. Three features are significant in the context of allocating scarce resources in armed conflict...
Effective medical leadership in times of emergency: a perspective | Disaster and Military Medicine
Leadership, and more specifically medical leadership, is an unmeasured potential that has the power to influence every aspect of a person’s professional life and its challenges and is more evident in ...
Toward a US Army Pacific (USARPAC) rapid deployment medical component in support of Human Assistance
This article reports the exploratory development and study efforts regarding the viability of a novel “going-in light” or “Going Light” medical component in support of US Army Pacific (USARPAC) Humani...