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Forums - Doomworld
Forums 385677 401518 128078 6171 12238 7230 53211 26128 19252 451543 One of the best wads I've ever played, has a great and memorable soundtrack while also having a nice and difficult (b...
Welcome - Doomworld /idgames database frontend
Welcome to the /idgames Archive database on Doomworld. Since 1993, /idgames has been the center for all your Doom-related files, as it continues to be to this day. Click on one of the directories t...
Doom Underground - Memento Mori
Memento Mori Memento Mori is undoubtedly among the greatest Doom add-ons ever made. Compared to the speed of most Doom projects these days, it's hard to believe that Memento Mori was able to ga...
-- The 23rd Annual Cacowards
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-- The 23rd Annual Cacowards
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-- The 23rd Annual Cacowards
Espi Award for Lifetime Achievement Two years ago Ty Halderman was awarded in a large part for his silent, faithful service to the community as the maintainer of the /idgames archive. This yea...