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Background - The Battle of D-Day
A lot of the fighting in WWII before D-Day happened in the Soviet Union and in the Pacific. The battle of D-Day was a necessity in WWII because the Allied Powers had lost France at the beginning of...
Main info - The Battle of D-Day
The Battle of D-Day
Main info Soldier - The Battle of D-Day
During D-Day as the Allied soldiers were riding onto shore some of the soldiers were nervous and got seasickness and threw up. Once they were charging though they felt a rush of adrenaline and some...
- Short Tem Effect - The Battle of D-Day
Build-up - The Battle of D-Day
Eisinhower talking strategy to his men.
Long Term Effect - The Battle of D-Day
The long term effects of D-Day is that the allies took back France. Operation overlord guaranteed that allied powers would be able to liberate France and push Germany into a corner. The allies got a.....