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Dargahinfo - Complete Collection of Dargahs World Wide
A Dargah is a Sufi Islamic shrine built over the grave of a revered religious figure, often a Sufi saint or dervish. People visit a shrine to perform a practice of visiting the graves (ziyarat).
Dargahinfo - Complete Collection of Dargahs World Wide
Marium Bi Amma was born in India, at Kajleshore town, Murtaza Por estate, Akolah district on 2nd rajab 1302 Haj'ri according to geog 18 of April 1885, on Saturday. She had 3 brothers and 1 sister. Her...
Dargahinfo - Complete Collection of Dargahs World Wide
Ervadi ,Tamil Nadu, India History The main dargah which came to be established is dedicated to S...
Dargahinfo - Complete Collection of Dargahs World Wide
The shrine of Hazrat Azin-ud-Din Wali is situated on a hill lock, about 20 Kms. short of the famous hill resort of Pahalgam. The mausoleum is located inside a deep cave atop the hill, about 100 meters...
Dargahinfo - Complete Collection of Dargahs World Wide
Hazrat Abbas was the son of Hazrat Ali Ibne Abi Talib. His mother's name was Fatima, who was also known as "Ummul Banin". Hazrat Abbas was born in Medina on 7th Rajab 26 A.H. When the news of his birt...
Dargahinfo - Complete Collection of Dargahs World Wide
Hazrat Sayyid Shah ʿAbd al-Laṭīf Kazmi Qadri R.A Islamabad,Islamabad Capital Territory, Pakistan ...