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Danny Zacharias
Learn Logos Bible Software or Purchase Greek flashcard and parsing apps FlashGreek and ParseGreek
About Me — Danny Zacharias
Biblical Studies I work to equip Christian leaders with the proper tools and knowledge necessary to responsibly interpret God's Word as they encounter it within the spaces and places they occupy. My f...
main — Danny Zacharias
I create apps, courses, and written content to help people learn Greek & the New Testament (with some other bits thrown in too)
ParseGreek — Danny Zacharias
Study by Frequency The frequency range dials allows users to choose a range of words based on their frequency in the New Testament. Typically introductory grammars teach the words that occur up to 50 ...
The Singing Grammarian — Danny Zacharias
FOR HEBREW Free on Youtube! There are scores of first-year intro Greek and Hebrew grammar textbooks available for Bible college and seminary courses. Far less plentiful, however, are tools that help s...
Biblical Greek Made Simple Online Course — Danny Zacharias
On the heals of the release of Biblical Greek Made Simple, I’m happy to announce that my online Greek course has been fully revamped to complement the textbook.