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The Club
Corinthian Yacht Club Of Cape May
The Club
The Club Welcome to the Corinthian Yacht Club of Cape May Rich in history and tradition, Corinthian Yacht Club of Cape May (CYCCM) is one of the oldest yacht clubs in New Jersey. Founded in 1913 by fo...
Racing Local Ocean Racing (LOR) CYCCM holds a season-long series of off-shore races, beginning in June and ending in September. Our fleets includes J-70's, J-24's and PHRF boats. Skippers Meetings are...
Membership Thank you for considering membership at Corinthian Yacht Club of Cape May. "The purposes of the Club are to encourage the sport and art of sailing and racing, to provide wholesome recreatio...
Adult Instruction
Adult Instruction Adult Instruction Registration for the 2023 adult sailing class has reached maximum capacity. Any registrations received after 5/25 will be placed on a waiting list. Sailing at Cor...
Junior Sailing
Junior Sailing Thank you for your interest in the Corinthian Yacht Club of Cape May's Junior Sailing Program. Please read through this section before proceeding with registration. You will find the ...