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Home - Center for Work Education Employment
Center for Work Education Employment Training & Skill Building Employment Services Post-Placement Support Invest in hardworking moms and dads. CWEE participants are creating a better future for themse...
Career Seekers - Center for Work Education Employment
Center for Work Education Employment Digital Literacy Build the technology skills that employers want: typing, internet search, email, Microsoft Office programs, and more.Learn More Empowerment & Soft...
About - Center for Work Education Employment
Center for Work Education Employment Get Monthly Updates from CWEE Stay current on the latest in workforce development and anti-poverty work in our community with CWEE’s monthly e-newsletter. About CW...
CWEE Stories - Center for Work Education Employment
Center for Work Education Employment Monthly Updates Sign up for our monthly email newsletter and never miss an inspiring story from the CWEE community. CWEE Stories Since 1982 CWEE has supported 16,...
Career Preparation - Center for Work Education Employment
Center for Work Education Employment CWEE works with our participants to be successful in the hiring process. We help you research and find open positions online. We also support you to prepare and su...
Digital Literacy - Center for Work Education Employment
Center for Work Education Employment Mastering Digital Literacy Skills The initial phase of CWEE’s program is focused on computer training and digital literacy. Through self-paced, in person and virtu...