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MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
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HTTPS provides SSL-encrypted connection.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
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Coug Prints | Washington State University
If you’re a WSU student, faculty member, or staff member, you can use the CougPrints service to order prints of files from your computer, smart phone, or tablet or simply make copies at several campu...
Printing | Coug Prints | Washington State University
Upload files to My Print Center or send files as an attachment to an e-mail. Find instructions for first time users at If You Don’t Have a Mobile Device or Computer, you can use selected computers...
Copying and Scanning | Coug Prints | Washington State University
CougPrints locations across the Pullman campus. You can also scan documents (send to your e-mail address) at any Coug Prints Mobile Printing location. Is your project too large, needs binding, laminat...
Mobile Printing | Coug Prints | Washington State University
To retrieve your documents at the printer, swipe your CougarCard with Cougar CASH. Select your job and choose Print. For repeat users
ASWSU Student Printing | Coug Prints | Washington State University
ASWSU Student Printing Plan Available for Students. Have you taken advantage of your ASWSU Student Printing Plan through Coug Prints yet? ASWSU has partnered with Coug Prints in support of student ...
Locations | Coug Prints | Washington State University
Chinook Student Center Smith Center for Undergraduate Education (CUE) CUE first floor vending alcove Dana Hall