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Cornelia Connelly Library
Cornelia Connelly Use the links to the right to access items in the online library or the SHCJ Collection at the Villanova Digital Library (also listed below). Items available in print only: Wake, Jeh...
Cornelia Connelly Library
March 2, 2011 Southwarcen : Beatification and Canonization of the Servant of God Cornelia Connelly Foundress of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus : Documentation presented by the Historical Commissi...
Cornelia Connelly Library
Crayon sketch and oil painting of Cornelia. Sketch done as a pair with one of Pierce; "reputedly done by Princess Sciarra Colonna, it would more likely to be done within the Shrewsbury circle, perhaps...
Cornelia Connelly Library
2019 Catalogue of American Sculpture Collection at the Metropolitan Museum of Art by Albert TenEyck Gardner, Associate Curator of Painting and Sculpture. The museum owns the scultpure, "Thetis and Ach...
Cornelia Connelly Library
A u g u s t 1 5 1 9 8 0 T h i s p i c t u r e u s e d t o b e i n M a y f i e l d u n t i l t h e n u n s r e t u r n e d t o N e u i l l y a f t e r t h e f i r s ...
Cornelia Connelly Library
1879 Cornelia's pen knife. Note the number "42." Each sister was given a number when she entered the society. All of her belongings were to be labeled with this number (for identification purposes.) C...