Child safety
MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
Secure connection support
HTTP has not yet implemented SSL encryption.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
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Solution Architecture - THA ADT Service
Solution Architecture How does the system work? Ai will deploy a fully hosted ENS® Solution inclusive of the ENS Core Engine, the Master Patient Index (MPI) and Interface Engine. In partnership w...
Encounter Notification Service - THA ADT Service
Encounter Notification Service What is ENS? Encounter Notification Service® (ENS®), powered by Audacious Inquiry (Ai), is a low-complexity and high value population health management tool. ENS technol...
Proactive Management of Patient Transitions - THA ADT Service
Proactive Management of Patient Transitions PROMPT is a secure, web-based tool to help your organization better manage your notifications. PROMPT Features FREE to all users with ...
ADT Overview - THA ADT Service
ADT Overview Tennessee Health Information Network (HIN) The Tennessee Health Information Network (HIN) was formed in 1999 by the Tennessee Hospital Association (THA) to assist member hospitals in...
Resources - THA ADT Service
Resources June 27, 2017 Webinar for Hospital Associations: Recording | Slides (PDF) THA HIN The THA Health Information Network (THA HIN) was formed in 1999 by the Tennessee Hospital Association to ass...
ADT Specification - THA ADT Service
ADT Specification Upon implementation of the ADT Service, hospitals shall provide in real-time (i.e., seconds, not minutes or hours), HL7 ADT messages for all payers to the ADT Service Vendor to ...