Our Programs - Community-based Mental Health Programming - CMHA Toronto
By integrating health and social care, we provide services that aid in long-term wellness including housing, employment, community connections and so much more. Learn more.
Recovery College - CMHA Toronto
Recovery College provides an innovative learning space where anyone can access free courses, webinars, workshops and events to support their personal recovery in mental health and wellbeing. Learn mor...
About CMHA Toronto - CMHA Toronto
We are on a mission to improve the mental health of all with services, advocacy and leadership that create belonging and hope. Learn more.
Mental Health Resources in Toronto - CMHA Toronto
From supporting individuals experiencing a mental health crisis to providing tools that support day-to-day mental health or mental health promotion, when people need support in Toronto, we’re here to ...
Balancing your life - CMHA Toronto
Mental health means striking a balance in all aspects of your life: social, physical, spiritual, economic and mental. Reaching a balance is a learning process. Learn more.
Benefits of Good Mental Health - CMHA Toronto
Just as physical fitness helps our bodies to stay strong, mental fitness helps us to achieve and sustain a state of good mental health. When we are mentally healthy, we enjoy our life and environment,...