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Curriculum On behalf of the staff of The Cloverleaf School District, I want to welcome you to the new school year. Our school district is a place where high academic and behavioral expectations ar...
Cloverleaf Local
Gov. Mike DeWine has declared a three-week closure of public schools in Ohio in an effort to contain the spread of the COVID-19 Coronavirus. Here you'll find Cloverleaf's plan for the closure -- inclu...
Grades 1 – 3 Students in grades 1 through 3 who have a gifted identification in the area of superior cognitive ability will be clustered in general education classrooms. Student groupings during clas...
Treasurer Dear Cloverleaf Community, Thank you for taking the time to visit our website and to have an opportunity to share with you financial information for the Cloverleaf Local School District. As...
Principal's Message
Principal's Message Dear Cloverleaf Middle School Families, Welcome to the 2015-16 school year! My name is Brian Madigan and I am honored to serve our students, staff, and community as Principal of C...