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屋崙華人聯合衛理公會已經恢復實體崇拜,歡迎您參加!我們同時提供網上崇拜(Zoom)以及線上直播。 CCUMC is worshipping in-person. We welcome you to join us. We provide Zoom worship and livestreaming.
About Us | Mysite
Who are United Methodists? United Methodists come in all sizes, shapes, colors, dispositions, outlooks and life experiences, but they share a unique outlook forged in the shared experience of a church...
We are the Church | Mysite
We are the Church CCUMC has a long tradition of leaders, faithful members, families and friendships that stretch across generations. In addition to the rich history of the church, its members and fri...
A Chinese-American Church | Mysite
A Chinese-American Church In the early days of the Chinese Missions, Euro-American missionaries relied on Chinese local lay preachers to offer Chinese language support to the ministry. But establishi...
Our History | Mysite
Our History Chinese Community United Methodist Church was founded in Oakland, California, in 1887. The church was established as part of a chain of Methodist Chinese Missions by the Rev. Dr. Otis Gibs...
More History | Mysite
Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Chinese Community United Methodist Church was founded in 1887 as part of the chain of Methodist Chinese Missions in California, stretching from Sacramento t...