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Chess Tactics Explained in English: Ward Farnsworth's Predator at the Chessboard
Learn chess tactics taught in plain English; the most complete body of instruction on the subject yet written.
Chess Tactics Explained in English: Ward Farnsworth's Predator at the Chessboard
This site has two parts. 1. The first part is a book that explains chess tactics (in other words, how to make winning moves). It assumes no prior knowledge of the subject. Everything is explained prog...
Chess Tactics Explained in English: Ward Farnsworth's Predator at the Chessboard
Chess tactics explained. Please note! These materials are now available as a course at The title of them there is A Field Guide to Chess Tactics. (Here's the link.) The user experien...
- Chess Tactics Explained in English: Ward Farnsworth's Predator at the Chessboard
- Chess Tactics Explained in English: Ward Farnsworth's Predator at the Chessboard
- Chess Tactics Explained in English: Ward Farnsworth's Predator at the Chessboard