The Checkmate Scientist
Advice on how to improve the research you do, commentary on science, biotechnology and the business of both.
The Checkmate Scientist: About Me
About Me
I'm Paul Krzyzanowski, a computational biologist living in Toronto, Ontario.
Professionally speaking, I'm currently a Post-doctoral Fellow in Informatics and Biocomputing at
the Ontario I...
The Checkmate Scientist: 2017
Back in 2013 and at the beginning of the FDA vs 23andMe story, I wrote this:
Personal genetics will elicit a huge change in medicine, [but] actually doing that requires knowledge of how a person's ge...
The Checkmate Scientist: April 2017
PCR amplification of DNA is arguably one of the most important technology developments in the history of molecular biology, because without PCR, many commonly employed lab techniques would not be poss...
The Checkmate Scientist: Projects
A review of computational techniques for non-coding RNA discovery.
An overview of ncRNA prediction using sequencing, finding disease related ncRNAs and ncRNAs in bacteria and viruses. Pub...
The Checkmate Scientist: 2014
Monday, December 8, 2014
It's been a long while since last posting here but there's a reason for it: I've been extremely preoccupied with what's become a huge change in my life: Pursuing an MBA while...