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Who we are | Change the Stakes
Change the Stakes is a group of New York City parents and educators who believe that every child should have access to a great public education. But we are concerned with the harm high stakes-testing ...
Alternative assessments | Change the Stakes
High-stakes standardized tests are not the only means for assessing student achievement. They are, in fact, inferior to more individualized, child-centered forms of assessment such as portfolios and p...
High-stakes testing | Change the Stakes
What is High-Stakes Testing? High-stakes testing is the practice of using standardized test scores as the sole or primary determinant of important outcomes for students (promotion, admissions, graduat...
What We Believe | Change the Stakes
We strongly reject the way high-stakes standardized tests are hurting our children and denying them high-quality teaching in a healthy atmosphere that fosters the full development of their capabilitie...
Testing Topics | Change the Stakes
High-stakes testing Why opt out? How to opt out in NYC Field tests Student promotion Alternative assessments
Contact us | Change the Stakes
If you would like more information about Change the Stakes or would like to connect to other parents and teachers around the issue of testing, please email Para obtener más ...