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Popular pages
Worship Online
Thank you for joining us for online worship! We will continue to live-stream and record the worship service as a permanent part of our ministry of worship. Join us Sunday mornings at 11:00AM....
Central United Methodist Church is a vital downtown church in the middle of Spartanburg, SC. It seeks to honor the deeper traditions of the Christian faith while moving forward into the new...
We invite you to join us for worship! Worship is one of the highlights of ministry at Central UMC. We invite you to join us online. Worship on Sunday mornings at 11 : 00am in the sanctuary or ...
Worship Services
Sunday Services You are invited to worship with Central on Sunday mornings at 11:00am . Services are held in the sanctuary and live streamed through Facebook. Other Worship...
Stephen Ministry
Central United Methodist Church as a Stephen Ministry congregation Three Central members completed an intensive week of leader training in early 2016 and we now have ten members who have completed...
Faith Development
Bible studies, Sunday School classes, and prayer groups help us grow in faith outside of weekly worship. Central's ministries help people grow in grace and in the knowledge and love of God within...