Clusters at CÉCI
The aim of the Consortium is to provide researchers with
access to powerful computing equipment (clusters). Clusters
are installed and managed locally at the different sites of the
Consortium des Équipements de Calcul Intensif, or CÉCI (pronounce "say see"), as a means to share
high-performance scientific computing facilities and resources, and mutualize
know-how and expertise ...
CÉCI HPC Training
The CÉCI presents, each year, a full-fledge offer in training sessions for researchers using, or willing to use, the CÉCI clusters. The training sessions are hosted at Louvain-la-Neu...
New CÉCI infrastructure status page
In order to optimize the communication of small downtimes or degraded service periods, we have setup a "status" page that will list the current known issues on the ...
CÉCI stands for
'Consortium des Équipements de Calcul Intensif'. CÉCI is
thus a consortium which gathers together all supercomputing centers from the
universities in Fédération
Wallonie-Bruxelles, na...
CÉCI HPC Training
The CÉCI presents, each year during Fall, a full-fledge offer in training
sessions for researchers using, or willing to use, the CÉCI clusters. The
training sessions are and organis...