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Downloads ~ CATIA V5 Design&Automation
Here you will find some macro and CATParts I have personnaly done. In every tutorial where extern content is needed, it will be noticed a...
Introduction to CATIA V5 Automation ~ CATIA V5 Design&Automation
CATIA V5 is a powerful tool in the CAO field. With some work you could be able to design almost everything. But how many time will you ne...
Tutorials CATIA Automation ~ CATIA V5 Design&Automation
What do you will find in this section ? In this page basics tutorials about CATIA V5 Automation will be gathered. Use the summary to f...
2020 ~ CATIA V5 Design&Automation
Welcome to my blog ! First of all I will make a short presentation : I am a french student in a Mechanical Engineer School called Supméca Paris and my courses include CATIA manipulation. I wanted to ...
Modifiying a sketch : Examples and exercices ~ CATIA V5 Design&Automation
I told you how to add a sketch and only a sketch. Now I present you some examples and exercices to modify sketches. WARNING : If you want ...
CATIA Structure ~ CATIA V5 Design&Automation
What is the CATIA structure ? The CATIA structure is quite complex and for this tutorial, you need to open V5Automation.chm. On the firs...