Meetings - Cocaine Anonymous London
Your first CA meeting may feel a little strange but don't worry, you are in a safe place
Walking up the street to your first C.A. meeting you may notice a few people hanging outside the entra...
Find a meeting - Cocaine Anonymous London
Find a meeting
Turning Point
St Johns Parish Church
The Priory Hospital North London
Grovelands House, The Bourne
St Luke’s Church
Wanstead Pl
E11 2SW ...
C.A. Online - Cocaine Anonymous London
C.A. Online
Passcode: 176473
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In the spirit of Tradition Six, C.A. is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organisation or institution. As such the Lo...
About - Cocaine Anonymous London
If you have had enough, you are welcome here
Many of us had one thing in common
We had reached a point where we could not stop
We know how it feels because we’ve all been there. We are all recovering ...
Resources - Cocaine Anonymous London
Cocaine Anonymous World Service Conference Approved Literature. Copyright © (2017-2022) Cocaine Anonymous World Services, Inc. “C.A.”, “Cocaine Anonymous” and the C.A. logo are registered trademarks o...
What is C.A.? - Cocaine Anonymous London
The members of C.A. are all recovering addicts who maintain their individual sobriety by working with others. We come from various social, ethnic, economic and religious backgrounds, but what we have ...