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Le Bric-à-brac
Le Bric-à-brac
Europe : The general store of European documents
Europe - Europa - Eurwph
Le Bric-à-brac : English pronunciation
Just try to pronounce these sentences : Sir Harry Harvey hit his head very hard with a heavy hammer and Happy Henry was hopping mad. However his heavy hammer hadn't hurt his highness hard h...
Europe : 12 stars for 15 States in the flag of European Union
The 12 stars do not represent 12 countries, but rather 12 as some kind of representation of perfection / unity. I think one cannot make comparisons with the US flag as the cultural and historical env...
Bric-à-brac d'énigmes et de problèmes : Problèmes géométriques
Bric-à-brac d'énigmes et de problèmes
Bric-à-brac d'énigmes et de problèmes
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