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Home - Brian McCauley
Brian McCauley's Biology 6A/B site.
PCR Setup - Brian McCauley
PCR Setup Setting Up PCR Reactions The polymerase chain reaction, or PCR, is an incredibly useful and powerful technique for copying DNA. In Bio 6B, you'll use PCR in several different expe...
Bio 6B - Brian McCauley
Bio 6B Brian McCauley's Bio site Winter 2021: Bio 6B (like all De Anza courses) will be taught online only. I'm using two separate websites for my 6B classes: Canvas: The standard for all o...
Operons - Brian McCauley
Operons Bacterial Operons The Bio 6B lab explores bacterial plasmids and operons through a set of connected experiments over multiple lab days. The concepts behind these labs are presented ...
Special Projects Home - Brian McCauley
Special Projects Home What is "special projects?" Special Projects in Biology Research is a biology class that has no set curriculum or schedule. It offers biology students an opportunity t...
Brian McCauley - Brian McCauley
This review applies to Plants I, II, III. The objectives of the Bio 6A plant labs overlap, and on the lab exam I will ask you to compare and contrast specimens that you looked at on different days. Th...